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Building generational wealth from coding - Nick Fogle
I’m excited to share this interview with Nick Fogle, who built generational wealth from coding after he sold his startup Waave he co-founded.

How to increase your valuation? These SaaS founders did it by focusing on churn
These founders had an offer to sell what had been a failing company just months before — but they held out, put their heads down and grew their valuation to a mid-7 figure sale.

I was a lawyer, taught myself to code, bootstrapped Wavve to $150,000 MRR, and we just sold it. AMA!
Hey 👋 I’m Nick. I’m a lawyer turned software developer, turned SaaS founder. Started a few years ago with @BairdHall, bootstrapped the busines...
Introducing Churnkey
Churnkey handles the heavy lifting for your SaaS’s offboarding experience. One line of code cuts churn in minutes thanks to dynamic deals, session recording, insights and more.