Student Loans The best jobs for helping you pay off student loans The best jobs for paying off your student loans are going to be specific to you. Ask yourself what it is that you love doing. Then figure out how to make money doing that.
Student Loans Student Loan Debt The number of borrowers with 6-figure loans recently topped 3.2 million, yet there are still few resources out there to help this group. I paid off $250k in 5 years and I want to help others do the same.
Student Loans Tips to manage your student loans There are some important tips minimizing interest, accelerate your debt repayment speed, and maximizing your long-term wealth.
Student Loans Set a goal to pay off your debt Goal setting is vital if you want to tackle six figures of student loan debt. Without a clearly defined goal, you’re just hoping that somehow you’ll get out of debt at some uncertain point in the future.
Student Loans Should I Pay Off My Student Loans I want to motivate you to tackle your debt instead of avoiding it. Think about what you've already given up due to student loans.
Student Loans Featured How to pay off six figures in student debt If you're feeling hopeless and don't know where to start to pay off that mountain of debt, what follows should be all you need to know to understand your debt, get motivated to attack it, and create a plan for totally paying it off in 5 years.
Student Loans Student Loan Tools Free student loan calculators to help you design the perfect plan for getting out of debt.
Reflection Featured Bailing Water In 2008, I traded a difficult situation for a more difficult one - law school and six figures in student loans.